Congratulations to Prof. Jaafar El-Awady for his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure at JHU


Please join us to congratulate Prof. Jaafar El-Awady, our Associate Director, for his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure effective January 1st, 2017. He is currently Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, with a joint appointment at the department of Material Science and Engineering. This news was announced by the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Louis Whitcomb.

Prof. El-Awady received his Bachelors and Masters in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt. He completed his doctorate in Aerospace Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. He was a visiting scientist at the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate at the Air Force Research Laboratory, before joining the Mechanical Engineering Department at JHU, in 2010. At JHU, he established the Computational and Experimental Materials Engineering Laboratory (CEMEL) and is the current Director. The main focus of his group is to develop a fundamental understanding of the underlying deformation mechanism in materials.

Prof. El-Awady has received several awards and among them, the DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2012, the ASME Materials Division Orr Early Career award in 2014, and recently the competitive National Science Foundation (NSF) Award, which recognized the highest level of excellence in early stage researchers. In addition to supporting Dr. El-Awady’s scientific research, this awards also contributes to his involvement to improve STEM achievement in Baltimore elementary public schools. He also provides research experience for undergraduate students from Morgan State University. He is affiliated with HEMI and JHU IDIES Homewood High-Performance Cluster (HHPC) Management Committee.