The Honorable Stephen P. Welby, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering, accepted the invitation from Dean Schlesinger to visit JHU-WSE on September 12, 2016. Mr. Welby who is a political appointee in the Department of Defense (DOD) and a JHU graduate, was given a tour of DoD sponsored research in the WSE. He was accompanied by his military assistant, Lt.Col Robert Hutt. He visited CISMMS and met with our Director, Prof. Ghosh and his graduate students, George Weber and Maxwell who are active members of CEIMM, the center of excellence sponsored by the AFOSR. This visit provided an excellent opportunity for him to engage with students from the different groups in WSE. Dr. Victor Nagano, the Executive Program Director of HEMI took the lead in arranging the tours at JHU-WSE for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering.