Congratulations to Dr. Somnath Ghosh, the Michael G. Callas Chair Professor in the department of Civil Engineering. He received the 2017 TMS Structural Materials Division Distinguished Scientist/Engineer. The award was given to him for his innovative and sustained contributions in the field of computational mechanics of materials and, tireless efforts to bridge materials and computations for industrial benefits.
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society award recognizes an individual who has made a long-lasting contribution to the fundamental understanding of microstructure, properties, and performance of structural materials for industrial applications. The ceremony was held on February 27th at the 2017 TMS Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, during the SMD Luncheon at the Marriott Hotel. The award was given to him by Dr. Daniel Miracle, Senior Scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory/Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, on behalf of TMS.