Prof. George Voyiadjis spoke at the CE-CISMMS Graduate Seminar

Prof. George Voyiadjis was invited to present his work at the CE-CISMMS Graduate Seminar on Thursday March 12th, 2015. Prof. George Voyiadjis is the Boyd Professor at the Louisiana State University, in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is also Prof. a Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a recipient of the 2008 Nathan M. Newmark Medal of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He received the 2012 Khan International Medal for outstanding life-long Contribution to the field of Plasticity. Prof. Somnath served as the faculty host during his visit to the Civil Engineering department.


Prof. George Voyiadjis presenting his talk in Hackerman Hall.
Prof. George Voyiadjis interacting with members of the audience prior to his talk.

Through out the day, Prof. George Voyiadjis had the opportunity to meet will different faculty members from the Civil, Mechanical and Materials Science Engineering departments. He also spend some time with Prof. Ghosh’s group.


Discussing with graduate students and post doctoral fellows from Prof. Ghosh’s group.
Prof. George Voyiadjis with Prof. Ghosh’s entire group.